Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

Effectiveness and functional outcome of Platelet Rich Plasma for Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)

Dr. Navin Dhanji Gagal , Dr. Ketankumar L. Gandhi, Dr. Sanjay N. Patil

Abstract :

Background: Lateral epicondylitis is a common manifestation also known as Tennis elbow. Various modes of treatments are available for tennis elbow. Studies have suggested the use of PRP (platelet rich plasma) as a safe and effective therapy for tennis elbow. The Purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of Platelet Rich Plasma in patients with chronic Lateral Epicondylitis. Material and methods: The study was an interventional study of 64 cases with chronic Lateral Epicondylitis. Mean age of patients was 40 years. Dominant Hand was most commonly involved. PRP was prepared from autologous venous whole blood. All patients had at least 3 months of symptoms and failed conventional therapy (Bracing, medicine) and were followed for a period of 2 years. An analysis of result with regards to pain (VAS score) and daily activity was done. Results: Right elbow was more predominantly affected in our sample, which was also the dominant side. The analysis revealed a significant and continuous improvement in pain and all the measured parameters.Success was defined as reduction of pain (VAS) without re–intervention after a follow up of 1 year. 48 out of 64 patients (75%) had complete pain relief. 9(14.06%) out of 64 patients were lost to follow up. 7 (10.93%) out of 64 patient did not have relief and had to be Re–Intervened with PRP injection. There was progressive improvement with no complications. Conclusion: Treatment of patients with chronic Lateral Epicondylitis with PRP reduces pain and significantly increases function, even after a follow up of 2 years. Local injection of autologous PRP proved to be a promising form of therapy for Tennis Elbow. It is both safe and effective in relieving pain and improving function.

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Dr. Navin Dhanji Gagal , Dr. Ketankumar L. Gandhi, Dr. Sanjay N. Patil Effectiveness and functional outcome of Platelet Rich Plasma for Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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