Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Effect of Yoga Therapy on Cellular Rejuvenation and Improvement of Concentration (A Pilot Study )

Dr. K. Krishna Sharma, Dr. Udaya Kumara K, Dr. Thirumaleshwara Prasada H, Sriharisukesh N

Abstract :

Yoga therapy is the therapeutic implementation of yoga, so that one can cure and prevent various diseases. In the present situation people are under threat of many lifestyle diseases, non communicable diseases etc.. due to various causes. According to yoga the physical disorders are due to accumulated impurities in our body. These impurities are capable to make changes in our intellect also. The present study shows the unique quality of yoga to purify the body by reducing the free radicals and improve the ability of mind to concentrate in single object.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr. K. Krishna Sharma, Dr. Udaya Kumara K, Dr. Thirumaleshwara Prasada H, Sriharisukesh N Effect of Yoga Therapy on Cellular Rejuvenation and Improvement of Concentration (A Pilot Study ) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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