Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

Effect of Wrapping Materials and Cold Storage Durations on Keeping Quality of Cut Flowers of Ornithogalum Thyrsoides Jacq

D. Dastagiri, B. P. Sharma, Dr B. S. Dilta

Abstract :

The effect of different wrapping material and cold storage durations (3, 6, 9 and 12 days) at 40 C on keeping quality of Ornithogalum was investigated. Among different wrapping materials (polyethylene, newspaper, cellophane, butter paper, low density polyethylene (LDPE) and high density polyethylene (HDPE)), cellophane proved promising in improving the keeping quality of cut spikes. The keeping quality of unpackaged cold stored cut spikes was highly deteriorated and decreased with increase in storage duration. Cut stems wrapped in cellophane and stored recorded maximum water uptake with less number of unopened florets. This material further increased floret size and vase life of cut stems. Cold storage of spikes for 3 days with cellophane wrapping maintained good keeping quality with improved floret opening, floret size and appearance. Thus, ornithogalum spikes can be best stored up to 3 days at 40 C in modified atmosphere packaging with cellophane.

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D. DASTAGIRI, B.P. SHARMA, Dr B.S. Dilta Effect of Wrapping Materials and Cold Storage Durations on Keeping Quality of Cut Flowers of Ornithogalum Thyrsoides Jacq Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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