Volume : VIII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Effect of vitamin D supplementation on electrophysiological parameters of peroneal and tibial nerve in diabetic polyneuropathy patients

Pravin Dhepe, Aruna Vinchurkar

Abstract :

Background: Nerve conduction study is widely used for the assessment of diabetic polyneuropathy. Vitamin D help to reduce the risk of diabetes associated complications.

Objective: To evaluate the effect of vitamin D on latency, amplitude and conduction velocity of peroneal and tibial nerves bilaterally in diabetic polyneuropathy patients. Materials and

Methods: The randomized prospective study was conducted on 35 to 65 years old polyneuropathic type 2 diabetes mellitus patients posted for diabetic care. Sixty patients were divided into two groups of 30 each such as Group I (vitamin D supplemented) and Group II (placebo supplemented). A dose of vitamin D 60000IU/week was selected and treatment continued for 6 months. After treatment routine clinical investigations such as age, height, weight, body mass index, waist, systolic blood pressure and duration of disease were recorded. Electrophysiological parameters such as latency, amplitude and conduction velocity were evaluated. Results: Group I patients showed no statistical significant difference in routine clinical investigation parameters except diastolic blood pressure when compared with Group II. Electrophysiological parameters of peroneal and tibial nerves bilaterally (right and left sides) analysis depicts statistically non significant in peroneal nerve and statistically significant in tibial nerve decrease in mean latency; whereas increase in amplitude and conduction velocity after vitamin D supplementation (Group I) when compared with placebo group (Group II). Data was analyzed using paired t test and percent change calculation.

Conclusion: Vitamin D supplementation may be a beneficial element in the complex treatment of type 2 diabetic polyneuropathy.

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Pravin Dhepe, Aruna Vinchurkar, Effect of vitamin D supplementation on electrophysiological parameters of peroneal and tibial nerve in diabetic polyneuropathy patients, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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