Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

Effect Of Selected Yogic, Aerobic And Laughter Exercises On Blood Pressure Of High School Boys

Dr. Manjappa. P, Dr. Shivarama Reddy. M

Abstract :

Blood pressure is the pressure by which the blood is circulated in the blood vessels of our body. The heart which is a muscular pump supplies the pressure to move the blood and also circulate the blood throughout the body. Systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressures are not static but undergo natural variations from one heartbeat to another and throughout the day, it increases during physical exercises, walking, drugs, disease, mental stress and also sexual activity and decreases when the body is at rest during sleep. The average normal blood pressure in the achial artery, which is the next direct artery from the aorta, is 120mmHg/80mmHg. Blood pressure readings are measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) using sphygmomanometer. Two pressures are measured and recorded namely as systolic and diastolic pressures. Systolic pressure reading is the first reading which represents the maximum exerted pressure on the vessels when the heart contracts, while the diastolic pressure the second reading represents the minimum pressure in the vessels when the heart relaxes. The purpose of this study is to know the effect of Yogic, Aerobic and Laughter exercises on Blood Pressure of High School Boys. For this study14 to 15 years 8th and 9th standard 120 School boys were selected. The test was conducted with the help and guidance of physician. The birth dates of the subjects were collected from the school admission records. The exact present age of each subject from the date of test was converted into decimal age. Further they were divided in to four groups with 30 subjects in each group, such as Yogic, Aerobic, Laughter and Control group. Pre–test was conducted for all the groups before training. After completion of eight weeks training post–test was conducted to determine the cause and effect of training. Hence the difference between mean of four groups in thepre–test have to be taken into account during the analysis of post–test difference between the mean. This was achieved by the application of analysis of co–variance, where the final mean were adjusted for difference in the initial means and the adjusted means were tested for significance. When the adjusted post–test means were significant at 0.05 levels, the Bonferronies post–hoc test was administered to find out the paired means significant difference. The study proved that blood pressure was significantly reduced in experimental group when compared to control group.

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Dr.Manjappa.P, Dr.Shivarama Reddy. M Effect Of Selected Yogic, Aerobic And Laughter Exercises On Blood Pressure Of High School Boys Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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