Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2016


R. Rajkumar, Dr. K. Divya

Abstract :

The purpose of the present study was to investigating the Effect of SAQ training on selected physical responses among college men students. To achieve this purpose, 30 college students will be randomly selected from Alagappa University College of Physical Education in Karaikudi; Tamil Nadu.The subjects’ age ranges from 18 to 25 years. The selected subjects thirty (N=30) were divided into two groups equally and randomly, of which Experimental Group I undergo SAQ training and Group II Control group will be asked to take part in any training during the course of the study. The experimental groups was be treated with their respective training for a period of six weeks, three days a week; one session each day, each session lasted maximum 60 minutes. The selected dependent variable namely speed, quickness and agility were being taken as criterion variable in this study. All the subject were tested prior to and immediately after the experimental period on the selected dependent variables. The data will be collected before and after the experimental treatment. The data obtained from the experimental period will be statistically analyzed with dependent ‘t’ – test The level of significance will be fixed at .05 level of confidence for all the cases. From that it can be clearly noticed that SAQ training group responded to the training with more positive influences of speed, quickness and agility responses when compared with the control group. The SAQ training group responded better when compared with the control group.

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R.Rajkumar, Dr.K.Divya EFFECT OF SAQ TRAINING ON SELECTED PHYSICAL RESPONSES AMONG COLLEGE MEN STUDENTS Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 8 | August 2016

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