Volume : VIII, Issue : V, May - 2018


Manas Mohan Baliarsingh, Jaya Krushna Panigrahi, Ajay Kumar Patra

Abstract :

Juveniles of Cirrhinus cirrhosus was reared in captive conditions at different salinity levels including freshwater systems to observe the growth performances. Six uniform–sized (80 L capacity) rectangular glass aquaria (experimental tanks) were used for the purpose. Sixuniform–sized (80 L capacity) rectangular glass aquaria (experimental tanks) were used for the exeriment. Salinity in experimental unitswas maintained from0 ppt to 6.5 pptby mixing desired saline water with freshwater from deep bore–well. In total, 300fishjuveniles were purchased from a private hatchery, stocked in a freshwater filled cemented tank (CT) after giving a dip bath in 0.5% KMNO4 as a quarantine measure. After completion of 24 hours of stocking, saline water was added in the CT to raise the salinity up to 0.5 ppt and the juveniles were kept there for another 24 hours. Subsequently, juveniles were transferred to experimental tanks and each was stocked with 40 specimens. In every alternate day, salinity of the tanks was recorded and adjustment was made by adding fresh/ saline waters as per the requirement. After completion of 20 days and 40 days of reå, body weights were recorded. All the results were compared. Results of the study revealed that normal growth was observed in salinity level 0 to 0.3 ppt. Furthermore, fish can survive up to ~ 4 ppt but showed comparatively slower growth rate.Therefore, it is resulted from the study that Mrigalajuveniles can adopt gradual increase in water salinity at < 4 ppt and also perform well in their growth. Thus the present study suggests that Mrigalajuveniles can be reared in coastal water with low salinity level with quite lower growth rate as in freshwater conditions.

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Manas Mohan Baliarsingh, Jaya Krushna Panigrahi, Ajay Kumar Patra, EFFECT OF SALINITY ON GROWTH OF CIRRHINUS CIRRHOSUS IN CAPTIVITY, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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