Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Effect of psychosocial education on Achievement motivation among adolescents

Navya Shree G. C

Abstract :

 Achievement is a life long concern for any individual. Among adolescents it is a more serious issue as it concerns with new roles, responsibilities, academics and career. The present study aims at understanding the effect of psychosocial education on the level of achievement motivation among adolescents. College going adolescents of age 15 to 16 years was considered as participants for the study who were selected using purposive sampling method. Deo Mohan Achievement motivation scale was used for assessing the level of motivation towards achievement before and after training program. Psychosocial education program consisted of six sessions in which concepts related to achievement was discussed with the adolescents like stress management, communication skills, problem solving and critical thinking, goal setting and achievement motivation, career selection and decision making skills. Repeated measures t test was employed to find the significant difference in the achievement motivation before and after psychosocial education. Results indicated the significant effect of psychosocial education in improving the achievement motivation among the adolescents.

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Navya Shree G.C Effect of psychosocial education on Achievement motivation among adolescents Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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