Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

Effect of Plantation on Traffic Vibration

Himesh K. Bhavani, Capt. C. S. Sanghvi, Hardik B Morbia

Abstract :

Viation is a through and forth motion of the particle. Vehicular movements on the road surface generate ground viations and generated viations propagate through soil. This paper discusses the effects of root system on traffic–induced ground viations. Field ground viations were measured at site adjacent to roadways. Measurements are taken on front and rear side of the trees and also taken from site where there is no interference of the roots of trees keeping same distance from the edge of the road for both data collection stapes. Viation is measured with the use viation analyzers and NVGate software is used for analysis. This analyzed data of without plantation and with plantation are compared. This discusses the effects of plant system on filtering the ground viations generated by vehicular movement on the roads. Numerical results of peak ground viations are presented and discussed with respect to the site and ground conditions.

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Himesh K. Bhavani, Capt. C. S. Sanghvi, Hardik B Morbia Effect of Plantation on Traffic Vibration Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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