Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016

Effect of Phosphorus Fertilization, Methyl Jasmonate and Harvest Time to Production of Pegagan (Centella Asiatica)

Noverita Sprinse Vinolina

Abstract :

One of the wild plants widely used from nature is Centella asiatica. Chemical compounds found in pegagan and the benefits of bioactive content become fundamental need for the research to be conducted. In previuos studies obtained plant material that has the potential to be used as propagation material of pegagan plant with a fairly high content of asiaticoside the lowland accessions from Deli Serdang (2.38%). The goals in this research to see how this pegagan plant responses to given culture technology such as phosphorus fertilization, aplication of elicitor and the appropriate harvest time to examine the pegagan plant production. This study used split plot design by 3 factors consist of P2O5 fertilizer treatment with 4 levels ie F0 = 0 kg P2O5 / ha, F1 = 18 kg P2O5 / ha, F2 = 36 kg P2O5 / ha, F3 = 54 kg P2O5 / ha, concentration of methyl jasmonate treatment consisting of 3 levels ie J0 = 0 µM, J1 = 100 µM, J2 = 200 µM and time of harvest, U1 = harvest at 56 days after planting (weeks after planting), U2 = harvest at 70 days after planting, U3 = harvest at 84 days after planting. The best combination for the production of biomass is without giving of methyl jasmonate with harvesting age 84 DAP. Cultivation action on pegagan is strongly influenced by the desired production of centelloside, whether in harvest time, in methyl jasmonate concentration, or in appropriate doses of phosphorus.

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Noverita Sprinse Vinolina Effect of Phosphorus Fertilization, Methyl Jasmonate and Harvest Time to Production of Pegagan (Centella Asiatica) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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