Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

Effect of Pesticides on the Phosphate Solubilization Capacity of Microbial Isolate

Pragya Rathore, Nandini Phanse, Shweta Agrawal

Abstract :

Phosphorus (P) is one of the essential elements for all biological entities and an adequate supply of P in the early stages of plant growth is important for the proper growth and development of plants. Many microbes having phosphate solubilizing ability have been used as the soil inoculants to improve the uptake of phosphorus by plants. The use of pesticides is becoming very common in agriculture as plant protection measures. A potential inoculant organism must be tested thoroughly in lab under the conditions that will be experienced by the farmers. The major concern regarding the use of pesticides is that their use may adversely affect non - target soil microflora and fauna. Phosphate solubilizing micro-organisms which are useful soil inhabiting microflora and of importance to soil fertility may be affected by some insecticides and herbicides. The isolate, Citrobacter freundii, used in present study is an efficient phosphate solubilizer and its effect on plants in presence as well as in absence of select pesticides was studied.

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Pragya Rathore, Nandini Phanse, Shweta Agrawal Effect of Pesticides on the Phosphate Solubilization Capacity of Microbial Isolate Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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