Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Effect of Lipase and esterase in Biodegrading Poly (butylene succinate co adipate) (PBSA)

Hemashenpagam. N, Lali Growther, Murgalatha. N, Vasantha Raj. S, Sathiya Vimal. S

Abstract :

Various microorganisms were screened for their ability to degrade poly (butylene succinate co adipate) (PBSA). Strain S–32, which was newly isolated from a soil sample, was selected as the best strain S–32 could degrade both solid and emulsified PBSA. During the degradation, a lipase activity was observed in the culture oth. This lipase and esterase activity was induced more strongly by PBSA than by tributyrin which are typical substrate of lipase and esterase. These observation strongly suggest that this lipase and esterase was involved in the PBSA biodegradation in strain S–32. From taxonomical studies, the strain was tentatively described to belong to the genus Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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Hemashenpagam.N, Lali growther, Murgalatha. N, Vasantha Raj.S, Sathiya Vimal.S Effect of Lipase and esterase in Biodegrading Poly (butylene succinate co adipate) (PBSA) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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