Volume : VIII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Effect Of Intravenous Magnesium Sulphate In Spinal Anaesthesia With Bupivacaine For Postoperative Pain Management

Anisha Choksi, Sonal, Deepika Reddy Cheruku

Abstract :

Objective:– To improve analgesia without or with minimal side effects by non–invasive technique is the utmost necessity for the patients undergoing surgery under spinal anaesthesia. Effect of continuous infusion of magnesium sulphate during subarachnoid anaesthesiafor post–operative pain relief has been studied.

2.Methodology:– A total of 50 patients undergoing lower limb surgeries under spinal anaesthesia were randomly divided into two groups; each group included 25 patients

Study Group: Group M, patients received MgSo4 8 mg/kg/hour infusion till the end of surgery. Control Group: Group S, patients received isotonic saline infusion till end of the surgery

.3.Results:–Postoperative VAS score was significantly lower in Group M than in Group S at 4H[1(0)]vs[1.52(0.51)], 8H[1.28(0.46)]vs[4(0)], 12H[2(1.42)]vs[2.8(0.41)],16H[3(1.5)]vs[4(0)],20H [1.2(0.41)] vs [2.92(0.28)] and 24H1.6(1.23)] vs [ 4(0)] (p=0.0001).

4.Conclusion:–We conclude that IV infusion of MgSO4 reduces postoperative pain, need for rescue analgesia and incidence of PONV and shivering without complications.

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Anisha Choksi, Sonal, Deepika Reddy Cheruku, Effect Of Intravenous Magnesium Sulphate In Spinal Anaesthesia With Bupivacaine For Postoperative Pain Management, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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