Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Effect of International Listing on Liquidity and Profitability

Ms. Dhara M. Jethwa

Abstract :

Globalisation and Liberalisation of the world economy has ing tremendous reforms in the financial sector which leads to the promotion of diversified, efficient and competitive financial system in the nation. International listing is the way our companies can put themselves in the international front by circulating their securities in foreign market. This paper is throwing light on how companies can list their securities in foreign market and the effect of the same on companies’ liquidity and profitability. It has been found that international listing does not directly affect the company’s liquidity and profitability, but indirectly affects the company’s image and scope of operations, which positively affects the fund raising capacity and profitability of the company

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Ms. Dhara M. Jethwa Effect of International Listing on Liquidity and Profitability Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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