Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

Effect of Improvised Apparatus on Academic Achievement of Science Students at Secondary Level

Mr. T. Kondalarao, Dr. R. L. Narayana Simha

Abstract :

The present investigation was to study the effect of improvised apparatus on students’ academic achievement in science at secondary level. The present study has been carried out by Quasi–experimental method. A Two schools have been selected on the basis of stratified sampling i.e. government school and convent school from Agra city. Some improvised apparatus have been made to teach topics in physics of IX standard by the investigators using locally available resources (no cost–low cost). A Physics Achievement Test (PAT) was developed by the investigators for the data collection.  The ‘academic achievement’ being primary objective, the investigators had to focus on other areas like knowledge, understanding, application and skills. Therefore, these educational objectives have also been tested and found better academic achievement when students taught with improvised apparatus in science.

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MR.T.KONDALARAO, Dr.R.L.NARAYANA SIMHA Effect of Improvised Apparatus on Academic Achievement of Science Students at Secondary Level Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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