Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Effect of Different Post Harvest Treatments on Quality and Shelf–Life Extention of William's Bartlett Pear Under Ambient and Refrigerated Storage Conditions

Qurat Ul Ay, N M. A Mir, Fozia Shafi

Abstract :

  The present investigation was carried out to study the effect of various post harvest treatments  (shrink wrap, 1–MCP@1ppm, 1–MCP@1ppm + Shrink Wrap, Carbendazim @ 500 ppm, Carbendazim @ 500 ppm + Shrink Wrap, Calcium Chloride @ 4%, Calcium Chloride @ 4%, + Shrink Wrap, Wax (SH002) @ 10%, Wax (SHOO2)@10% + Shrink Wrap ) in order to increase the shelf life and to avoid post harvest losses of  William’s Bartlett Pear under refrigerated storage  conditions (Temperature 1–2?C and 85–95% RH). In physical characteristics PLW, spoilage, firmness, juice yield, colour, texture, flavour and overall acceptability were studied during refrigerated storage conditions. In chemical characteristic TSS, total sugar, pectin, acidity, ascorbic acid and total chlorophyll were analyzed after 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 and 105 Days of storage. After 105 days of refrigerated storage best two treatments i.e. T3 (1–MCP@1ppm) and T4 (1–MCP@1ppm + Shrink Wrap) were subjected to quality evaluation for 10 days under ambient storage conditions.  1–MCP@1ppm + Shrink Wrap was reported superior to all other treatments. 1–MCP@1ppm + Shrink Wrap proved very useful for reducing storage loss, spoilage. Sensory panel evaluation exhibited fair to good acceptability response of 1 MCP@ 1ppm +shrink–wrapped fruit up to 105 days of storage, where as in control lots the quality attributed showed maximum acceptability only up to 75 days under refrigerated storage conditions.

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Qurat-ul-Ay,n M.A Mir, Fozia shafi Effect of Different Post Harvest Treatments on Quality and Shelf - Life Extention of William's Bartlett Pear Under Ambient and Refrigerated Storage Conditions Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. IV

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