Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015

Effect of Demographic Factors on Selection of Type of Insurance Company in Haryana

Suman Devi, Dr. Vazir Singh Nehra

Abstract :

Health insurance can be oadly defined as financial mechanisms that exist to provide protection to individuals and households from the costs of health care incurred as a result of unexpected illness or injury. Mediclaim insurance policy is run by government owned general insurance companies and also with different name by other private insurance companies. It is one of the private voluntary health insurance schemes available in India currently. This scheme has been in operation since 1986 and from time to time a number of revisions have been carried out to address the needs of their clients. Present study is an effort to find the effects of demographic factors on selection of mediclaim policy of public and private insurance companies, so that it can help insurance companies to extend their market share.

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Suman Devi,Dr. Vazir Singh Nehra Effect of Demographic Factors on Selection of Type of Insurance Company in Haryana Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015

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