Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Effect of Cricoid Pressure on Tracheal Intubation by Direct Laryngoscopy

Dr. Sandeep Koti. V, Dr. Padmanabha Kaimar

Abstract :

BACKGROUND: Cricoid pressure is applied during induction of anaesthesia to prevent regurgitation of gastric content and pulmonary aspiration. However it has been reported that cricoid pressure makes tracheal intubation more difficult. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of cricoid pressure on orotracheal intubation by direct laryngoscopy. METHODS: Two hundred patients undergoing general anaesthesia for elective surgery were randomly assigned to have a standardized cricoid pressure(CP) or sham CP(SCP) during laryngoscopy and intubation. After anaesthesia induction and complete muscle relaxation a 30s period was allowed to complete intubation with Macintosh no.3 laryngoscope blade.The primary endpoint was rate of failed intubation at 30s. Secondary endpoint were intubation time, Cormack Lehane grade of laryngoscopic view and the lateral shift of larynx. RESULTS: Groups were similar for demographic data and risk factors for difficult intubation. The rate of failed intubation were comparable for two groups, 8% and 6% in the CP and sham CP groups respectively. Intubation time was slightly prolonged in the CP group than in the sham CP group( 17.89s and 15.48s respectively, p< 0.001). The grade of Laryngoscopic view and the lateral shift of larynx were also comparable. CONCLUSION: CP applied by trained personnel does not increase the rate of failed intubation. Hence CP should not be avoided for fear of increasing the difficulty when its use is actually indicated.

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Dr. Sandeep Koti. V, Dr. Padmanabha kaimar Effect of Cricoid Pressure on Tracheal Intubation by Direct Laryngoscopy Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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