Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

Effect of Credit Rating on Cash Holding and Earning Momentum of Indian Companies

Dr. Manminder Singh Saluja, Ms. Anjali Drolia

Abstract :

The paper examines the influence of credit rating given to a firm on their cash holding and earning momentum. The study was done using a random sample of 30 Indian companies from a group of top 200 listed companies on BSE. Using the regression model it was found that credit rating do had a positive and significant impact on both cash holding and earning momentum of a firm. It was observed that companies were pretty much concerned about maintaining their ratings so as to maintain a good financial and in the market.

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Dr. Manminder Singh Saluja, Ms. Anjali Drolia Effect of Credit Rating on Cash Holding and Earning Momentum of Indian Companies Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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