Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

Effect of celery seed supplementation on the anthropometric measurements and serum lipid profile of Hypercholesterolemic subjects

Sarah Jane Monica, Shajini Judith Diana

Abstract :

Good health is a challenge of modern – day living as the current civilization is plagued by several degenerative lifestyle diseases. Hypercholesterolemia continues to be one of the major risk factors associated with coronary artery diseases. It is generally established that the nutritive and non– nutritive constituents of food can be used to modify the risk of developing or aggravating human disease condition and for maintaining optimum health state. Plant components (leaves, flower, bark, seed and root) have gained attention as they have been identified and used in the treatment of various diseases.Clinical studies have demonstrated the relationship between diet, nutrients and blood lipid profile; blood pressure and coronary artery diseases. Celery seed is a novel food source that possesses various potential health benefits. The seed are comprised of various components such as flavonoids, coumarins, linolenic acid and 3n–butylphthalide which work synergistically to fight against a number of ailments. The present study is carried out to investigate the effect of celery seed supplementation on the serum lipid profile of hypercholesterolemic subjects and to highlight the potential of celery seed as a therapeutic medicinal food.

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Sarah Jane Monica, Shajini Judith Diana Effect of celery seed supplementation on the anthropometric measurements and serum lipid profile of Hypercholesterolemic subjects Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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