Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015


C. Vairavasundaram, Dr. A. Palanisamy

Abstract :

The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of bulgarian bag training on selected physical variablesamong handball players. To achieve the purpose of the study thirty (N=30) handball players have been randomly selected from Bharathidasan University affiliated collegesTiruchirappalli,Tamil Nadu, India. The age of subjects were ranged from 18 to 25 years. The subjects had experience of at least three years in handball and only who has represented the intercollegiate tournament was taken as subjects. A series of physical tests was carried out on each participant. These included leg explosive power, muscular strength, and flexibility.Leg explosive power was assessed by standing oad jump, muscular strength assessed by push– ups flexibility was assessed by sit and reach. The subjects were randomly assigned into two groups of fifteen each, such as experimental and control groups. The experimental group underwent the bulgarian bag training for 3 alternative days in a week, one session per day and for 8 weeks each session lasted 60 minutes. The control group apart from daily routine activities no special training was given. The subjects of the two groups were tested on selected variables prior and immediately after the training period. The collected data were analyzed statistically through analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to find out the significance difference, if any between the groups. The 0.05 level of confidence was fixed to test the level of significance difference, if any between groups. The results of the study showed that there was significant differences exist between Bulgarian bag training and control group. Bulgarian bag training group showed significant improvement on level of leg explosive power, muscular strength and flexibility, when compared to control group.

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C. Vairavasundaram, Dr. A. Palanisamy EFFECT OF BULGARIAN BAG TRAINING ON SELECTED PHYSICAL VARIABLES AMONG HANDBALL PLAYERS Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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