Volume : VIII, Issue : IX, September - 2018

Effect of body mass index on prostate.

Rajalaxmi Panda, Niharika Padhy

Abstract :

Background:People with obesity develop  metabolic syndrome (MetS) and so are at risk of suffering from other diseases like diabetes mellitus, hypertension benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) etc. The present study is aimed to examine the association between BPH, obesity, and age among men of the Southern Coastal Odisha. Materials and Methods:this retrospective study comprises of 154 cases of which 60 cases without any urinary symptoms were taken as controls in contrast to 94 cases showing urinary symptoms.the age and body mass index were recorded for each patient.  All the cases were  subjected to Ultrasound to find out the transverse and antero–posterior diameter  of prostate. Result:it is found that with increasing age the size of  prostate increases for   symptomatic uropathies. It is greatest in case of obstructive group. Body mass index is significantly high in both irritative and obstructive groups. Conclusion:The BMI along with age has profound role in developing symptomatic prostate.

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Rajalaxmi Panda, Niharika Padhy, Effect of body mass index on prostate., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-9 | September-2018

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