Volume : VIII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Effect of Body Mass Index and Waist Hip Ratio on Cognitive Performance in Pre- and Post-Menopausal Women

Parvatha Rani. N, Neelambikai. N

Abstract :

BACKROUND:Menopause is the period of declined ovarian activity and decreased oestrogen level with increased chances of obesity and  co–morbidities like Hypertension, Hyper–cholestrelemia, Impaired cognitive function and  Cardio vascular dysfunction. Menopausal women are at high risk ofobesityandimpaired  cognitive function which increases  the mortality,morbidity and socio economic burden.AIM & OBJECTIVE:To study the effect of menopause on BMI and WHR and compare the cognitive function in pre and post menopausal women. DESIGN:Cross sectional  study. PARTICIPANTS:Apparently  healthy  30  post menopausal  women in the age group of 55–60 years as study subjects and 30 pre menopausal women aged 40–45years  as controls.METHODOLOGY The  study was  initiated  with the approval of Institutional Ethical Committee. Standardised measurements of height,weight,waist circumference and hip circumferenceweretaken. BMI was calculated using QUETELET’S INDEX.Participants completed a Standardised Mini–Mental State Examination(SMMSE– Questionnaire). Results were analysed by T –Test. Statistical analysis was performed to find the association between SMMSE score, BMI and WHR of premenopausal and post–menopausal women.RESULTS:Post– menopausal women are likely to be obese (Mean BMI 26.34) compared with the pre–menopausal women (24.39); with tha significant ‘p’value of p<0.05.  The post–menopausal women had a higher waist (91.14) and hip circumference (84.64); p<0.05 as compared with the pre–menopausal women (84.64 and 98.06 respectively) with significant difference (p<0.05). When compared with WHR, there is no significance difference between pre– menopausal (0.8618) and post–menopausal (0.8724); p>0.05. Post–menopausal women  had less cognitive functioning (SMMSE 15.08) compared with  pre–menopausal women (21.08); p<0.01. These findings suggest that obesity has significant impact on cognitive function among the post–menopausal women when compared with premenopausal women.

.CONCLUSION:Post menopausal women have high BMI and higher WHR withdecreased  cognitive function.

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Parvatha Rani.N, Neelambikai. N, Effect of Body Mass Index and Waist Hip Ratio on Cognitive Performance in Pre- and Post-Menopausal Women, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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