Volume : VII, Issue : IX, September - 2017

Effect of Air Pollution from the Cement Industries in Reference to the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Mrs. G. Manimegalai, Dr. A. Thaminumansari

Abstract :

 The production of cement is a multistage processes that include quarrying, crushing, raw milling, blending, and production of clinker, milling and, last, packing. People working in cement industries are exposed to a variety of occupational diseases due to dust exposure. Occupational exposure to cement dust has been associated with an increased risk of respiratory diseases in workers who are employed in cement industries are exposed to cement dust for long periods. The major routes of  exposure to cement dust are through skin  and inhalation. There is noticeable evidence that cement workers are at increased risk of developing respiratory symptoms [12]. Most often chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) has been reported which requires further investigation [3]. There is contradictory documentation of an association between exposure to cement dust and lung function impairment [34].

Aims: Our study seeks to find the possible relationship between cement exposure and increasing of COPD using the Particulate Matter 10 (PM10)  as the indicator. The objective of our study is to provide an analysis of particulate metal emissions and focusses the relationship between exposure to cement dust and respiratory tract obstruction.

Methods and Material: Our study is a prospective study involving workers in cement industry over a period of one year from 2014 to 2015. Total number of patients diagnosed to have COPD during the period of study were 150. Of these 100 males and 50 females were diagnosed as COPD.  Pulmonary function test like Spirometry identifies the affected persons with COPD and proves its severity.

Results: Total number of patients diagnosed to have COPD during the period of study was 150. Of these 100 males and 50 females were diagnosed as COPD. The adolescent affected were 35 %(male – 10 % and female –15 %) and old age about 45 %  were found. Almost all the persons affected by mild type were reversible to normalcy after inhalation of onchodilators severe form of COPD response to moderate state. 10 % of severe form of COPD died during the period of study.

Conclusions: Cement workers should be aware of the health implications due to cement exposure and seek medical attention in reference to respiratory symptoms.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Mrs.G.MANIMEGALAI, DR.A.THAMINUMANSARI, Effect of Air Pollution from the Cement Industries in Reference to the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2017

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