Volume : II, Issue : II, November - 2012

Educational Rights of Minority with Special Reference to Muslim in India

Dr. Mujibul Hasan Siddiqui

Abstract :

This paper highlights the educational problems of minority with special reference to Muslims. Knowledge is the first component of education. By education, I mean an all–round drawing out of the bet in the Child and man body, mind and spirit. It is realization of the self, enabling the mind to find out that ultimate truth which emancipates us from the bondage of the dust and gives us the wealth, not things but of inner light, not of power but of love, making the truth its own and giving expression to it, the manifestation of divine perfection already existing in man, the exposition of mans complete individuality, and the natural, harmonious and progressive development of Mans innate powers.Even today the condition of Muslims in the area of education is not good.In India , other than constitutional provision of education, many many reports and committees gave due importance for the education of people ,like NPERC (1986), NPE (1986) ,various CABE committees reports etc

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Dr. Mujibul Hasan Siddiqui Educational Rights of Minority with Special Reference to Muslim in India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.II November 2012

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