Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Education System in Present Scenerio: Problems & Remedies

Dr. Peena Thanky

Abstract :

The aim of this paper is to ponder over the most complex and the most important issue: Modern Education. During the past five decades Independent India has, no doubt, made a niche in the world in the field of education. India has the largest quality human resource and is the largest supplier of the same to various countries of the world. However, the paradox is that our education system is miles away from the objectives envisaged by the great visionaries and leaders else it should have by now become a tool in eradication the social and national ailments rather than complicating them. Where is the hitch? In my opinion, it is because today education has become end in itself rather than means. This is, however, not a blanket criticism; on the contrary, it should inspire all of us involved in the sacred duty of education to undertake a fact finding and soul searching exercise.

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Dr. Peena Thanky Education System in Present Scenerio: Problems & Remedies Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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