Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Educating Teachers to be facilitators of Inclusive Education

Dr. Ritwika Laskar

Abstract :

 Inclusive education can be made possible and successful only with the active initiative and positive attitude of the teachers. The success of this entire process of inclusion depends largely on the general climate they establish within the classroom to make children with disability feel accepted, confident and achieve their academic and social potentials. It is therefore important to sensitize teachers towards needs of children with disability. The curriculum of teacher education has to play a major role in this aspect. This paper focuses on the curriculum implemented to educate student teachers. Not only theoretical knowledge but real life experiences should also be provided to them to achieve lasting change of attitudes. An attempt  has been made to understand how teachers  can be motivated in this endeavour to ensure successful inclusion of children with special needs.

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Dr. Ritwika Laskarv, Educating Teachers to be facilitators of Inclusive Education, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾7 | July‾2017

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