Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Economics of Sugar Co–Operatives in Sangli District (Mah)

Dr. S. S. Shejal

Abstract :

India stands next to Brazil in area and production of sugarcane. The sugar industry is the second largest agro–based industry in India. Sugar and sugarcane economy plays a significant role in political and economic pitch of maharashtra. The sugar co–operatives in maharashtra has become a catalyst for all round development in rural area. Fourteen sugar factory are located in sangli district. One out of these fourteen are in private sector other are run on the co–operative basis. There has been rapid growth of sugar industry in sangli district particularly in cooperative sector.

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Dr. S. S. Shejal Economics of Sugar Co-Operatives in Sangli District (Mah) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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