Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015

Economics Meets Hrm: "A Comprehensive Study on Congruence Exsisting Between Economy & Hrm Practices

Orooj Siddiqui

Abstract :

Labour force is the most important and differentiating asset for any organisation the importance of workforce has enabled the management gurus to acknowledge their efforts by considering them as a resource and address them as HUMAN RESOURCE .For the maximum utilization of this resource the HRM is backed by sound HRM practices. All the organisational activities influencing the employees directly or indirectly in the fulfilment of the organisational objective and goal are termed as HRM PRACTICES. HRM has always considered as a “BLACK SHEEP” within the wider field of business administration. The perception comes because of the insufficiently demonstrated role of HRM in the organisations success as compared to other disciplines having deep root in micro economic theories of the organisation (Management review, vol 16 issue 2, 2005) This paper has been designed to review HRM Practices and economics collectively and the influence of changing economy on the HRM practices adopted by the management for achieving organisational goal. The purpose of this paper is to develop an understanding of congruence between both the streams.

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Orooj Siddiqui Economics Meets Hrm: A Comprehensive Study on Congruence Exsisting Between Economy & Hrm Practices Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015

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