Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Economic Advantage of Micro–Packs from Rural Consumer Perspectives with reference to Fast Moving Consumer Goods

K. Gowri Nayaki, Dr. P. Santhi

Abstract :

Acceptability of FMCGs in micro–packs in rural markets are soå due to a affordability and convenience. In these days, the rural market is one of the best opportunities for FMCG sector in India. Economic surplus arising out of retail price difference between micro packs and macropacks of FMCGs and consumers opinion were analysed with the sample size of 300 respondents. The segmentation of rural consumers according to NCEAR classification oughtout, the surplus derived by each of the segment while buying FMCGs in micropacks.

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K.GOWRI NAYAKI, DR. P.SANTHI Economic Advantage of Micro-Packs from Rural Consumer Perspectives with reference to Fast Moving Consumer Goods Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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