Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2015


Dr. Padmasini Srinivasan

Abstract :

 Background and Aim – According to WHO Technical Report Series released in 1990 Osteoporosis is a silent killer disease affecting mainly the aged population especially the western Europians as well as Americans, frequently Indians and rarely blacks.Both men and women lose bone after 40 years.We aim to study on standardized hand x ray films, the cortical thickness of 2nd right hand metacarpal bone radiogram in north Indian females in youth. Material and method–Vernier callipers were used to measure cortical thickness , graphimetrically on standardised hand x–rays of 2nd right metacarpals to observe the cortical thickness in fifteen young women . Result and Discussion –This technique revealed statisticaly significant low values of the same indices in few young women of young age . But majority of them show a good peak bone mass .We have observed that women reach peak bone density till 33 years and we observed a drastic reduction in thickness of cortex values in few other females neå 40s coinciding with hormone reduction in pre and peri menopausal years . Many studies abound in the same findings in different races. Conclusion–We conclude that in North Indian women have a fragile bone structure and as age advances it deteriorates further leading to possibility of fragility fractures such as hip fractures,colle’s fracture in addition to verteal collapse at a younger age than their female counterparts in other races residing in developed parts of the world especially Caucasians and Blacks.We have to start screening them at younger age like early thirties to identify latent bone deterioration in order to avoid consequences of osteoporosis.

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DR.PADMASINI SRINIVASAN / EARLY ONSET OF OSTEOPOROSIS IN NORTH INDIAN WOMEN / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 11 November 2015

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