Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Early Onset Of Osteoporosis In North Indian Males

Dr Padmasini Srinivasan

Abstract :

AIM To study the cortical thickness and metacarpal index in 30 punjabi males belonging to socio–economically weak background staying in ludhiana MATERIAL AND METHOD Vernier callipers were used graphimetrically to observe the cortical thickness on standardised hand X–Rays of middle three metacarpals in 30 males belonging to Punjab in north india. RESULTS The data was analysed using standard statistical formulae. The technique revealed statisticaly significant low values of the same indices in about three of them below 40 years of age. CONCLUSIONS We have observed a drastic reduction in thickness of cortex and the metacarpal index in young adult males of in their early 30s during our study in punjabis relying on which I have come to conclude that bone density might depend on various dietary factors as well as genes.

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Dr Padmasini Srinivasan Early Onset of Osteoporosisin North Indian Males Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 9 September 2015

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