Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

e–Resources for Academic Research in Digital Age

Smt. Asore Manisha Digambarrao

Abstract :

 T In this technological era, teaching–learning & evaluation processes are continuously updating & modifying according to available technical software & tools. For many years, it is to be considered that academic research is a serious job which should be performed lonely, sincerely & secretly. But now days, due to knowledge shå with the help of digital drives, academic research becomes a collaborative and group work in which researchers from different institutions of the world contribute to it. There are many online resources which makes tedious work of research somewhat easy. There are e–resources which are useful for prepå a research proposal, reviewing related literature, its citation and for writing research papers and reports also. This article described e–sources & tools for academic research, some of the useful websites & online tools with its relevance in the academic research in digital age. It would be helpful for the researchers for various disciplines.

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Smt. Asore Manisha Digambarrao e-Resources for Academic Research in Digital Age

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