Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2016


Allappa Shankar Kamble, Vijaya B Wali

Abstract :

 Karnataka is a progressive in the field of modern Horticulture in the country the diverse agro–eco logical conditions prevailing in Karnataka has made it possible to grow different types of horticultural crops such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, spices, plantation crops, root and tuber crops, medicinal and aromatic crops Karnataka is the 3d largest producer of fruits and stands 5th in area and production of vegetable crops state stands 1st in area and 3rd in production of flowers crops. It occupies 2nd and 3rd position with respect to area and production of plantation crops, Karnataka is the largest producer of spices Aromatic and medicinal crops Karnataka is one of the more progressive states with great potential for horticultural development the states is blessed with ten different agro–climatic regions suitable for growing variety of fruits and vegetables around the year. The horticultural crops grown in Karnataka are grouped into four and categories viz (1) fruits (2) vegetables (3) spices / plantation crops and (4) commercial flowers a part from this cultivation of potential high value crops like aromatic and medicinal herbs have also been taken up in certain area. The secondary data was collected from the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Karnataka, Bengaluru for vegetable crops of Karnataka state ranging from 1995 to 2014.

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Allappa Shankar Kamble, Vijaya B Wali DYNAMICS OF HORTICULTURAL CROPS IN KARNATAKA AN HOZELS DECOMPOSITION ANALYSIS. Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 8 | August 2016

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