Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Dynamics of Carbon Storage and Sequestration in Major Forest Tree Species of Andhrapradesh

R. Shankar, D. Naresh, B. Joseph. K. B. Suneetha Devi, M. A. Aarifkhan

Abstract :

 Trees are major carbon pools on earth. By photosynthesis mechanism carbon flows in ecosystems and carbon converts by plants in the form of its biomass. Worldwide, decreasing forest cover due to increasing biopressure we are losing the number of trees every year; which leads to the climate change. From the data of trees girth and height we estimated the carbon storage by non–destructive or allometric method. We estimated the carbon storage in ….. species belongs to AP, India. The maximum carbon storage in 55.95 t C followed by 44.81 tC in is concluded. The lowest carbon storage value estimated in 1.77 tC

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R. Shankar, D. Naresh, B. Joseph. K.B. Suneetha Devi, M.A.Aarifkhan Dynamics of Carbon Storage and Sequestration in Major Forest Tree Species of Andhrapradesh Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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