Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Durability Study of Low Calcium Flyash Based Geopolymer Concrete

Mrs. P. Priya Rachel, Dr. P. Partheeban

Abstract :

Geopolymer concrete technology has the potential to reduce globally the carbon emission and lead to a sustainable development and growth of the concrete industry. The influence of alkaline activators on the strength and durability properties has been studied. Fly ash used in this study was procured from a local thermal power station. Specimens were manufactured from low calcium fly ash by activation with a mixture of Sodium Hydroxide and Sodium Silicate solution. The concrete was prepared with a fly ash ratio of 0.4.Geopolymer specimens were casted using two different mix proportions with 10Molar and 12 Molar of sodium hydroxide solution. The specimens were tested Compression test, Split tensile test, Flexure test. The results indicate that the combination of the above constituents at 60 C has a positive impact on the strength and durability properties of geopolymer concrete. Since it utilizes the industrial wastes such as fly ash for producing the binding system in concrete, it can be considered as eco–friendly materials.

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Mrs. P. Priya Rachel, Dr. P. Partheeban Durability Study of Low Calcium Flyash Based Geopolymer Concrete Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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