Volume : IX, Issue : II, February - 2019


Josephine Ubah, Florence Nkwogu, Ubah Jn

Abstract :

Dry eye disease is a commonly encountered ocular problem. It is a multifactorial disorder associated with tear film instability and ocular surface affectation. It has varying predisposing factors including conditions associated with reduced blinking such as reading. This factor is encountered by students because of likely prolonged hours of reading. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of dry eye in a group of final year medical students. A semi structured questionnaire was administered to the students. Schirmer test and TBUT were used to assess dry eye signs in those with dry eye symptoms. Information obtained was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23. Out of 93 candidates, 10.7% had dry eye symptoms and were in the 20–39 years of age, females being more affected than males. The effect of reading from handset or computer, reading books, and presence of eye problem were statistically significant with p=0.000 in all. Students with dry eye symptoms should be investigated and appropriate treatment instituted for maximum ocular comfort.

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DRY EYE DISEASE IN MEDICAL STUDENTS, Josephine Ubah, Florence Nkwogu, Ubah JN INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-2 | February-2019

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