Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

Driving Employees by Motivation Towards Productiveness

K. Janakiraman, Dr. S. Ramachandran

Abstract :

We live in an environment where employees are considered to be the most precious asset of the organization . Motivating their employees is vital to any business. A motivated workforce means a highly productive staff, all of which will help the organization achieve their business goals. And this should be a main objective in every organizational business plan. Before a strategy is framed by any organization on employee motivational plans, the first step should be understanding what motivates their employees. This helps in clarifying the key idea of what drives them to their peak performance and providing required comfort level in order to extract satisfied work from them. It is not common that every employee will be motivated by the same thing, listing out of key motivational factors can help in framing such strategies. The factors could be monetary incentives, rewards and recognitions, balance of work life programs, relaxed office environment and many more. Very often discussed concepts of motivators are money and job satisfaction. We hear that better pay motivates employees to be more productive. We also hear that “happy employees are productive employees.”But is there any truth to these sayings or are they just fictional beliefs? The only way to know if money and job satisfaction really influence productivity is to look at the results of scientific studies. Let’s begin with what researchers have discovered about money

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Dr.S.RAMACHANDRAN,K.JANAKIRAMAN Driving Employees by Motivation Towards Productiveness Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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