Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2017

Drinking water quality deterioration in hostels in Amravati city

Tambekar Dh, Sd Tambekar, Dhote Sv, Solanke Rs

Abstract :

 As a result of rapid and huge increase in education, limits the hostel facilities in city, and leads inadequate supply of pure and safe potable water to the hostels. As the number of students is increasing, there is strain on hostels to maintain the hygienic condition and increases the chances of deterioration drinking water during collection, storage, serving and handling. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to assess the quality of drinking water in hostel in Amravati city. A total of 118 water samples were tested for its potability by Manja‘s rapid field test (H2S) and recorded only 57%   potable by H2S test.  The Eijkman’s test showed 30% fecal coliform (E.coli) in the 43% non–potable water. The study concludes that drinking water in most of the hostels is unfit for drinking purpose and need attention and monitoring of drinking water hygiene by concern authority so that students can be protected from waterborne diseases. Regular cleaning of storage container or overhead tank is must with supply of treated and disinfected water. This study recommended that closed container with tap must be used for storage of drinking water and if possible purifier should be used which prevents waterborne diseases in hostels students by increasing awareness and maintaining hygienic condition of hostels and surrounding.

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Tambekar DH, SD Tambekar, Dhote SV, Solanke RS, Drinking water quality deterioration in hostels in Amravati city, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾4 | April-2017

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