Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016


Dr. Pralhad Chengte

Abstract :

In this paper, I concentrate on two issues like education and empowerment. The word empowerment is borrowed from feminists and it defined as the “ability to do or affect something or anything to act upon a person or thing”. It is the simple process of increasing personal or political power so that individuals, families and communities can take action to improve their situations. Education is the important bases of power in the modern society. Therefore, my understanding education is: a source of power and also as an agency that empowers people. From the individual point of view, the empowerment is defined as building confidence, insight and understanding, and developing personal skills. For example, being able to analyze situations and communicate more effectively to others.

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Dr.Pralhad Chengte Dr. Ambedkar¥s Empowerment on Educational Thoughts: Some Review Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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