Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016

Double thyroglossal duct cyst derived from a single tract: A rare presentation

Dr. Mamata Sahoo, Dr. Tapas Kumar Rout, Dr. Guru Charan Sahu

Abstract :

 Introduction: Thyroglossal duct cysts are one of the most common congenital pathologic findings in children‘s cervical area. This type of cyst can be located anywhere between the base of the tongue and the sternal manuium. Case report : We report the case of a patient with a double thyroglossal cyst, one located below the hyoid bone and the other being above the hyoid bone. The 2 cysts were connected by a common permeable tract, which confirms that an evolution failure of the emyonic remains of the thyroglossal duct has been responsible for the development of such a cyst. Our case is the one of the rare case of double thyroglossal duct cysts and the first of double cysts located in the neck outside the thyroid gland.

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Dr. Mamata Sahoo, Dr. Tapas Kumar Rout, Dr. Guru Charan Sahu Double thyroglossal duct cyst derived from a single tract: A rare presentation Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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