Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013

Dosimetric Evaluation of the Multileaf Collimator for Irregular Shaped Radiation Fields

Omar M. Kotb, Khaled M. Elshahat, N. M. Eldebawi, N. A. Mansour

Abstract :

The three–dimensional planned conformal radiotherapy (3D–CRT), intensity–modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), and image–guided radiotherapy (IGRT) are the most advanced techniques in radiotherapy, which use irregular fields–using multileaf collimators (MLC) in a linear accelerator. The accuracy of these techniques depends on dosimetric characteristics of the multileaf collimators. There is an option for optimizing the jaws to the irregular MLC field to reduce the scattered radiation and intra– and inter–leaf radiation leakage beyond the field. In this study, 80 leaf MLC system has been taken to compare and differentiate their characteristics with 6 and 10 MV photon beams.The MLC system in Elekta linear accelerator is used as a separate unit , that is, The dosimetric characteristics include dose rates, percentage depth doses, surface dose, dose in the build–up region, penuma, and width of 50% dose levels

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Omar M. Kotb, Khaled M. Elshahat, N. M. Eldebawi, N. A. Mansour / radiotherapy, multileaf collimator, quality assurance, IMRT / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013

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