Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Doppler Study of 50 Cases of Renal Disease

Dr. Bhavesh R Goyani, Dr Bhagwati V Ukani, Dr. Hinal Bhagat, Dr. Vikram B Patel

Abstract :

 Introduction– Renal Doppler is a non–invasive technique that provide both detail information about the 

nature and severity of vascular lesion and quantitative indication of their impact on blood flow. Doppler 
ultrasound can detect Renal artery stenosis (RAS). RAS is most commonly caused by either fio muscular dysplasia or 
atherosclerosis and it may occur alone (isolated anatomical RAS) or associated with hypertension, renal insufficiency (ischemic nephropathy) or both..
Aims & objectives– To determine the role of colour assisted duplex sonography as an accurate and rapid tool for noninvasive mapping of various renal diseases .
Material and method–This study has been done in government institute. It include 50 cases of Doppler study of renal 
diseases during year of may 2008 to 2010.Each patient studied in detail with relevant clinical history and examination 
finding. Doppler study was done using 3.5–5 MHz real time convex probe.Follow–up and other confirmative procedure 
were carried whenever indicated. Each patient study in detail with (1)demographic criteria(2)clinical presentation like 
swelling,hematuria,abdominal pain, urinarysymptoms, headache(3)general examination(4)local examination(5)laboratory 
investigation(6)radiological investigation–Doppler analysis.
ResultsOut of 50 patients 30(60%) were male and 20(40%) were female. Maximum patients belonged to age group of 
41–50 years 18(36%), followed by 31–40 years 10(20%) .In present study, most of the patients had clinical presentation 
of abdominal pain (50%) followed by lump in abdomen,hematuria, fever, headache.Out of 50 patients majority were 
smokers (50%).20 patients were suffering from diabetes and 16 patients were hypertensive In our study 66% of the 
patients had vascular lesions, followed by 10% had renal parenchyma disease. Renal artery stenosis was most common 
in patients suffering from vascular lesions 86 %( 29/34).In our study in 52% patients had increased vascularity in renal 
lesion followed by 36% with decreased vascularity in renal lesion.
Conclusion– Doppler study has added an important dimension to renal ultrasound. It has also gains increasing important in urological study .by using this renal artery stenosis can demonstrated

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Dr. Bhavesh R Goyani, Dr. Bhabawati V Ukani, Dr. Hinal Bhagat, Dr. Vikram B Patel Doppler Study of 50 Cases of Renal Disease Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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