Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015

Documentation of road killed and rescued Harpatofauna in and around Amravati city, Maharashtra

Punam S. Thakur, Nandkishor E. Warghat

Abstract :

 The present study deals with the documentation of road killed and rescued harpatofauna in Amravati city as well as territory including some state highways and villages. The documentation of harpatofauna was done by actively searching road killed incidences on state highways as well as rescued reports collected from few NGO’s included for this study. The study was done during the month of June to December 2014. Six families were commonly found during the study period i.e. Elapidae, Pythonidae, Coluidae, Boidae, Viperidae and typhlopidae. During the study period, total 2418 snakes were documented from the study area, of which 1660 species were rescued and 758 species were found as road killed. 29 species belonging to six families were recorded with special reference to rare species i.e. Indian egg eater and smooth snake. The resulting occurrence of high road killed and rescued evidence was proved their behavior in–search of the better habitat for food and reproduction purpose.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Punam S. Thakur, Nandkishor E. Warghat Documentation of Road Killed and Rescued Harpatofauna in and Around Amravati City, Maharashtra Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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