Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Diversity Of Forensic Blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) From Western Ghats, Maharastra, India.

Jadav Divya K. , Dr. T. V. Sathe

Abstract :

Western Ghats of Maharastra is amongst the 18 hot spots of the world for conservation and protection of biodiversity. It is harbor for many plant and animal species. However, due to human interference, the biodiversity of Ghats is under threat. Blowflies have forensic value and very useful for solving problems related to murder, suicide, sexual molestation, child neglect and abuse, etc. They have also important role in decomposition of verteate carcasses belonging to amphibia, reptilia, aves and mammalia in forest and plain ecosystems. Therefore, diversity of blowflies have been studied from Western Ghats of Maharastra, India. A total of 22 species belonging to 9 genera have been reported. The important genera refer to Silbomyia, Calliphora, Phumosia, Melinda, Lucilla, Pollenia, Tianania, Dexopollenia and Chrysomya.

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Jadav Divya K., Dr. T. V. Sathe Diversity Of Forensic Blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) From Western Ghats, Maharastra, India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 9 September 2015

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