Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2017

Dissociative Symptoms in Schizophrenia and Mood Disorder: A Comparative Study

Dr. Vinod Kr. Mahato, Dr. Krishna Kr. Singh, Dr. Suprakash Choudhury, Dr. Guddi Rani Singh

Abstract :

 Aims & Objectives: Aims: To compare dissociative symptoms in schizophrenia and mood disorder. Objectives: First objective was to study the prevalence of dissociative experiences in Schizophrenia and mood disorder patients. Second was to study the association between reported childhood / adult trauma and dissociative symptoms and third was to study the association between social support and dissociative symptoms.   Methods: Cross sectional study design was used to collect data.  Purposive sample technique was used to select 90 samples according to inclusion and exclusion criteria from Ranchi Institute of Neuro–Psychiatry and Allied Sciences, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand. There were two experimental groups (schizophrenia and mood disorder) having 30 patients each & another group of 30 normal individuals. Four tools were used to collect the data. Analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16.00 for Window XP. Descriptive statistics was used for summarizing socio–demographic and clinical data. Dichotomous variables of socio demographic profile (like sex, marital status, religion etc.) and background clinical parameters (like stressors, course etc.) were compared among the groups using Chi– square (χ2) test with Fisher’s exact test (where applicable).   Result: Significant difference was found in habitat, occupation and type of family. Mood disorder patients’ habitat was significantly more from rural background (χ2=7.880, p=0.019). further result shows that schizophrenic group had significantly more total DES score in comparison to other two groups (H=46.75, p=0.000). There was no significant difference in sex, marital status, and religion among the three groups.   Conclusion: Schizophrenia group had experienced more childhood trauma and dissociation in comparison to mood disorder. There is an increase incidence of significant dissociation 26.7% of the schizophrenia patients and 6.7% of mood disorder patients of our study as compare to previous one.

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Dr. Vinod Kr. Mahato, Dr. Krishna Kr. Singh, Dr. Suprakash Choudhury, Dr. Guddi Rani Singh, Dissociative Symptoms in Schizophrenia and Mood Disorder: A Comparative Study, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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