Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Dispersion Parameters and Morphology of Chemical Spray Pyrolysis Deposited Fe2O3 Thin Films Prepared at Different Thickness

Nahida B. Hassan

Abstract :

Fe2 O3  thin films have been prepared by thermal chemical spray pyrolysis (CSP) on glass substrate heated to temperature about 400 oC using solution of aqueous ferrite nitride dehydrate (Fe (NO3 ) 3 . 9H2 O3 ) at different thickness (250, 280 and 350) nm. The thickness of the films was measured using weighting method. The effect of thickness on the morphology , optical properties and dispersion parameters has been studies. AFM analysis shows that the roughness , root mean square (r.m.s) and the average diameter increase with increasing of thickness , Transmittance spectra of the films indicate that the films have high transparency about 90% in the visible region has been obtained at thickness of 250 nm. The optical transmittance has slightly decreased with increasing of thickness. The optical absorption studies reveal that the transition is direct with band gap value varied with the thickness. Also the refractive index dispersion curves obey to the single oscillator’s model. The dispersion energy and single–oscillator energy varied with the thickness.

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Nahida B. Hassan Dispersion Parameters and Morphology of Chemical Spray Pyrolysis Deposited Fe2O3 Thin Films Prepared at Different Thickness Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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