Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015

Digital India: A Vision towards Digitally Empowered Knowledge Economy

Sudhir Kumar Sharma, Vandana Lama, Nidhi Goyal

Abstract :

 The digital world that we live in today is the outcome of several innovations and technology advances. These novelties provide better future to everyone. Today, every nation wants to be fully digitalized that will empower society in a better manner. The ‘Digital India‘ programme, an initiative of honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi, will emerge new progressions in every sector and generates innovative endeavors for geNext. The motive behind the concept is to build participative, transparent and responsive system. This will provide all services electronically and promote digital literacy. Digital Technologies which includes the concept of cloud computing and mobile applications have emerged as the catalysts for express economic growth and citizen empowerment. Companies all over the world desire to invest in Digital India– the 21st century India, as a growth opportunity. The objective of this paper is to have a vision on the Digital India campaign where technologies and connectivity will come together to make an impact on all aspects of governance and improve the quality of life of citizens.

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Sudhir Kumar Sharma, Vandana Lama, Nidhi Goyal Digital India: A Vision Towards Digitally Empowered Knowledge Economy Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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