Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Digital gangrene– A rare complication of dopamine therapy

Dr Sanjiv V Choudhary, Dr Nupur P. Maheshwari

Abstract :

We are describing a 65 years old female patient, referred from gynaecology department, having multiple uterine fioid who developed hypovolemic shock during intraoperative period of explorative laprotomy. Patient did not respond to plasma volume expanders. To save her life, dopamine was used by anesthetist in high dose (46mcg/kg/min) with injection noradrenaline 8mg in 50ml@15ml/hr. Patient recovered gradually from shock state but developed inevitable complication of digital gangrene with such high dose, which has reported rarely in literature.

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Dr Sanjiv V Choudhary, Dr Nupur P. Maheshwari Digital gangrene- A rare complication of dopamine therapy Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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