Volume : X, Issue : VI, June - 2020


Sarika Chaudhary, Pooja Batra Nagpal, Abhishek Khurana, Saurabh Sharma

Abstract :

A number of mobile fitness devices as well as smart watches have emerged on the technology landscape. However, the rate of adoption of these devices is still low especially in developing countries with a teeming population. On the other hand, smart phones are becoming ubiquitous given their steady price decline. To this end, the present study aims to leverage the smartphone platform by developing a smart phone fitness app that tracks the calories burnt by individuals who go about their daily activities while carrying their smart phones with them. In order to achieve this, the design specification for the application was done using Unified Modeling Language diagrams such as use case diagrams and sequence diagrams. This was then implemented using the following tools: Angular – a JavaScript framework and Ionic – a hyid framework that was hosted via the Heroku Cloud Application Platform. The initial results show that the app can gain traction in terms of its adoption given the fact that it is cheaper to download the app than buy a new smart watch for the same purpose.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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DIET AND NUTRITION TRACKER FOR ANDROID DEVICES, Sarika Chaudhary, Pooja Batra Nagpal, Abhishek Khurana, Saurabh Sharma INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-10 | Issue-6 | June-2020

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